*not the class you’re looking for? please click here for the 4:30-5:45 (ages 7-10) class*
Time to switch out your fall wardrobe with new winter -spring styles!
We have the perfect sewing project to add to your wardrobe:
This Peace Sign Top project is perfect for beginners or even advanced beginners who are looking to grow their fashion sewing skills. This project is also perfect as the warms up, and we are going to teach you how to make it! We will also create matching scrunchies and other accessories as the time allows. You will start with sketching and rendering your design. Measuring, pinning and cutting out your design. Already know how to use a sewing machine? Great! We’ll help you sharpen your skills. No sewing experience, we’ll teach you.
The class fee includes all fabric, trims, notions and use of the sewing machines. Sew your garment together then fit the design to work for you, lastly finish the design. At the end of the classes we will hold a virtual fashion show to share with your family.
So, come join us for this fashionable class experience with Fashion First Workshops! We’re always busy learning, having fun and meeting new friends!
Questions Email us at renee@fashionfirstworkshops.com
*Please make sure to read our terms & conditions and release of liability before signing up
Our students [Fashion Designers] start with the sketch (croquis), technical details, choosing and rendering the fabric, learning the proper way to make a pattern, including measuring each other, understanding the importance of this process and the fit of the garment. They learn how to pin and sew using a sewing machine. Then, they sew the entire garment including the final fitting. Finally, on the last day of our camp, we hold our Fashion Show. No sewing experience necessary. All fabric, supplies, and use of the sewing machines are included.
25 Cook Ave. Madison, NJ 07940