Girl Scouts: Learn how to sew!

Earn a sewing badge or create & donate your project.

Earn a sewing badge! Give back! Make a simple cuddly pillow and learn how to sew! Up-cycle or refashion! Bring in clothing that is no longer in use, watch what you can create and make! Girl Scouts are so creative!!



Earn a sewing badge!

Here are a few of the projects we're offering:



Create & Donate!

Are you looking for service hours? Does your troop want to learn how to sew and use their creativity? Here are a few of the projects we're offering:


Information and Dates

If your troop is interested in any of our projects or events. Please contact us at, call us at 908-578-8561, or complete the form below.


Available Locations

Westfield Presbyterian Church
140 Mountain Ave., Westfield, NJ
(rear parking lot entrance)

Thursday Morning Madison Community House
5 Cook St., Madison, NJ

Home Studio, Netherwood Heights
1253 Denmark Rd., Plainfield, NJ

Cranford Recreation
224 Walnut St., Cranford, NJ

Additional Information

After your troop request has been confirmed, we need your troop information as below:

Confirmed Date
Troop level
Troop number
Number of scouts attending the event

We will provide you a separate form to complete with this information.

Payment is due in 10 days prior to the confirmed event date. Troop check written out to FFW; $20.00 per Girl Scout unless otherwise noted. Final roster for the event is also needed at that time along with your check. Please mail checks to FFW 1253 Denmark Rd., Netherwood Heights, NJ 07062.



Request a Girl Scout Event

    Let's hear your ideas!